Exercise induced vasculitis

What is Exercise Induced Vasculitis?

Exercise induced vasculitis is harmless. It’s also known as golfer’s vasculitis.

  • It is a neutrophilic inflammation disorder that affects the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
  • It is also known as exercise induced capillaritis when only small capillary vessels are involved.

What are the clinical characteristics of exercise (EIV)?

Exercise is a condition that affects the lower legs or thighs. It can cause a single or multiple episodes, and may result in a rash.

  • Exposed skin, sparing skin protected with socks or stockings
  • Red patches, urticarial lesion (weals), and purpura (“purple spots”)
  • Oedema (swelling of the affected leg)
  • Itching, burning, or stinging sensations

Who is prone to exercise induced?

Exercise induced vasculitis is most 0.555 fitness commonly seen in women over 50 years old. They are usually otherwise healthy and in good physical condition.

Exercise induced vasculitis can be triggered by the following common activities:

Running, particularly long distance running, is a great option.

  • Climbing and hiking
  • Step aerobics
  • Bodybuilding
  • Golf
  • Swimming

Exercise induced vasculitis: Differential diagnosis

Exercise can also cause cutaneous and systemic vasculitis. However, they are not always caused by exercise. These cases may indicate that the cause of the vasculitis is an underlying condition or disease. Exercise induced capillaritis usually presents with milder clinical signs.

Exercise vasculitis: What is the cause?

Exercise induced vasculitis, as the name suggests, is usually induced by intense muscle activity, especially in warm and humid conditions. The temperature regulation mechanisms in the calf muscles are thought to be compromised, leading to decreased venous return and blood stability. This leads to inflammation and vascular injuries.

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What is the diagnosis of exercise induced?

It can be difficult to  diagnose induced vasculitis. It is based upon history and physical examination. Some people may be subject to investigations such as:

  • Labor tests
  • Imaging, eg Ultrasound scans and X-rays
  • Skin biopsy
  • Imaging and laboratory tests are performed for two main reasons
  • To rule out another cause of cutaneous vascularlitis
  • Systemic vasculitis is used to diagnose other organs

A skin biopsy confirms the presence of leukocytoclastic vasculitis due to induced vasculitis. The walls of travel toothpaste blood vessels are contaminated with immunoglobulins and complement, as shown by direct immunofluorescence.

What are the treatments for exercise ?

  • Exercise induced vasculitis can be managed by:
  • Temporary cessation or limitation of vigorous exercise.
  • Elevation of the affected limb(s).

Stockings that compress the skin to reduce pain and speed up healing are a great way to ease discomfort. They could help to prevent induced vasculitis.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antihistamines are used to reduce the symptoms of itching and burning.

Recurrent episodes of exercise induced vascular disease should be avoided by patients who are unable to exercise in hot weather. There are active treatments that can be used to control small vessel vasculitis. However, there have been no reports on their use in exercise

  • Colchicine
  • Dapsone
  • Hydroxychloroquine

Prednisone and systemic steroids (eg prednisone) are used for severe cutaneous vasculitis, such as blistering or ulceration. They are not recommended for exercise induced vasculitis.